Panaceia or Hygeia

immunize yourself against the pandemic of lifestyle diseases

Take the Cholesterol Pledge

Posted by Colin Rose on July 5, 2008

The AHA’s Cholesterol Pledge

Now, if you were the average red-blooded American and you had to make at least three of these choices to “lower my cholesterol” what are you likely to opt for?

Are you likely to “read food labels… and buy foods that are low in cholesterol and saturated fat”, “maintain a healthy body weight” and “participate in moderately intense physical activity”.

Or, are you more likely ” to know what my cholesterol should be”, “to have my cholesterol checked” and “take my medication as my doctor prescribed”?

What’s more, all primary prevention trials to date of cholesterol lowering with drugs (LRC-CPPTWOSCOPSASCOT-LLA) have shown no total mortality benefit and no primary prevention drug trial has ever made any serious attempt to have all participants “maintain a healthy weight”, “participate in moderately intense physical activity” or “stay tobacco free”.

The AHA, which receives major funding from drug dealers flogging cholesterol-lowering medications, considers the latter to be equivalent to the former and the latter requires absolutely no change in lifestyle by the patient. Eat anything as long as you check your blood cholesteroltake your pill. Is there any wonder there is a pandemic of obesity and Type 2 diabetes?


On the Take

On the Take

AHA Convention 2003. The Merck booth is next to the AHA booth. The implied endorsement of their product by the presumably altruistic AHA is worth $billions to the drug peddlers and they pay handsomely for the opportunity.

One Response to “Take the Cholesterol Pledge”

  1. kauaidoc said

    I am so gratified to see a cardiologist taking a stand against the drug companies and mass-hynotism. Thank you! We need to take control of our own profession, and web sites like yours can help! I wish more doctors read medical blogs, it would save us time reading the advertisements called articles in JAMA and the like.

    Catey Shanahan, MD
    Family Practice
    Kalaheo, HI

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